UPC-MERIT scholarship

UPC is soliciting applications for study grants to cover the enrollment rates for the master's degree taught at UPC Manresa in Machine Learning and Cybersecurity for Internet-Connected Systems. The intention of this scholarship is to benefit students from the project's high-quality education in digital areas and promote equality in the field of computer science.  Everyone is welcome to apply regardless of their personal situation, but gender equality and socioeconomic status are also factors to receiving this scholarship.

The scholarship supports the official total tuition expense (see entry "How much does the master's cost?" in the FAQ). In particular, it covers:

  1. The first enrollment tuition costs and other fees and rates charged by UPC for a master full semester (30 ECTS) during three consecutive semesters.
  2. The cost of issuance of the official title.


Those interested must read the requirements below and fill in the online form below. Students who accept the scholarship will have to sign an agreement. We recommend applicants read this draft agreement to get an idea on the full set of requirements.

Applicants must send the following documentation:

  • ID number used to apply for the master's programme.
  • Cover letter stating the following: interest in the Master’s degree in Machine Learning and Cybersecurity for Internet-Connected Systems, presentation of the candidate, description of their situation (personal, social, economic, work, academic performance etc.) that may be relevant to obtaining the scholarship.
  • Documentary evidence of the situations described will be required.


This scholarship is incompatible with any other scholarship that covers the enrollment expenses.

Principal requirements for applicants

  • The scholarship will only be granted to persons admitted to the master's program in Machine Learning and Cybersecurity for Internet-Connected Systems at UPC Manresa for the 2024–2025 academic year. This means that to be considered for the scholarship applicants will have to apply concurrently to the master's program.
  • Being an EU Citizen.
  • Being a full-time degree seeking student in the master's degree program in the 2024–2025 academic year.
  • Every semester writing a report on their experience and learning outcomes.
  • Provide supporting documentation for the eligible expenses actually incurred.

Selection criteria

Academic merit will be the predominant factor in deciding who gets the scholarship, but the committee will also take into account the gender and socioeconomic disparities in engineering and computer science. Both the master's program application documents and the additional documentation provided for this scholarship application will be taken into account. In particular a formula of 8 points assigned based on academic merit and 2 points for gender and socioeconomic situation for a total of 10 points will be assigned to each candidate based on the information candidates provide to the committee.

Payment arrangements

Funds will be disbursed directly to the scholarship recipients upon verification that all eligibility conditions have been met in a semester by semester basis. Scholarships will cover the full tuition amount as described above. In particular, financial support will be provided after the completion of each semester based on the eligible expenses actually incurred by the recipient. In case of non-continuation by the recipient no further support will be given. Supporting documentation for the incurred costs will be required. Costs will be eligible if declared eligible in the agreement and if they fulfill the general eligibility conditions established for the EU Funding Programmes 2021-2027.


  • The total budget of this call amounts to 52.500€.
  • The maximum amount per scholarship is up to 3.500€.


July 12, 2024


July 19, 2024

The resolution will be announced via email to all candidates.

Selection committee

  • Andrea Aler, Associate professor.
  • Ilker Dermikol, Coordinator of MERIT project.
  • Xavier Moncunill, Associate professor.

Acknowledgment of EU funding

The UPC-MERIT scholarship has received funding from the European Union under grant agreement No. 101083531.

Application form

The type of ID that you used to apply for the master.
The ID number used to apply for the master.

The cover letter in a pdf file
Documentary evidence of situations described in cover letter. Please concatenate in a single pdf file.

Grant the scholarship comitee the access right to the docs submitted for pre-enrollment procedure.