Research at UPC Manresa

Research activity at UPC is mainly organized around Research Groups, Research Centers and Technological Innovation Support Centers. At UPC Manresa the faculty is involved on some of this units according to their research interests.

Scientific production website

You can use futur, the scientific production website of UPC, to discover the historical and current scientific production of faculty and bodies of the University. For instance, following this link, you can oversee the scientific production (papers, projects, etc.) of all UPC Manresa.

Research Groups participated by UPC Manresa faculty

Research groups

The research undertook by the UPC Manresa faculty is conducted within research groups. While certain research groups concentrate on specialized topics, others adopt a more interdisciplinary approach. Participation within these groups varies, with some predominantly comprising faculty members from the School, while others involve faculty from diverse academic institutions, both within and beyond the UPC.

Technofab - Manufacturing Technologies Research Group

  • The main objective of the Manufacturing Technologies Research Group is to undertake applied research in the diverse manufacturing technologies, concerning the processes itself, the metodologies, the computer assisted systems and the integration of different technologies.
  • Technofab members, publications and projects

LRG - Lightning Research Group

  • Group's research tackles the field of atmospheric electricity and particularly the phenomenon of lightning. In our basic research we study the physics of lightning, transient luminous events (TLEs) in the upper atmosphere, terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs), high-energy emissions in lightning and electrical discharges, lightning activity in severe storms and electromagnetic fields produced by lightning.
  • LRG members, publications and projects

SIR-OPE - Service and Industrial Robotics - Operation, Production and Enterprise

  • The research activity of the group is focused in three main lines, which even having their own particularities are not disjoint, which allow interactions and sharing the way the problems are addressed. One line of research is focused on industrial and service robotics, particularly on dexterous manipulation and task and motion planning, considering bimanual mobile manipulators with anthropomorphic structure and artificial intelligence techniques. Another line is focused on the model, management and control problems in the chain of productive operations in various industrial sectors, considering the influence of the human factor and uncertainty on production. Finally, the third research line is focused on rehabilitation and simulation of stroke survivors, and the development of medical devices.
  • SIROPE members, publications and projects

CoDAlab - Control, Data and Artificial Intelligence

  • CoDAlab is a group that is active at the interdisciplinary intersection of areas such as applied mathematics, systems and automation engineering, energy and biomedical engineering. The research within CoDAlab advances in two interrelated directions: a theoretical one that contributes knowledge to the state of the art and an applied one that develops useful tools in real-world systems, especially in mechanical systems, civil engineering and, more recently, biomedical engineering.
  • CODALAB members, publications and projects

ALBCOM - Algorithms, Computational Biology, Complexity and Formal Methods

GAPCOMB - Geometric, Algebraic and Probabilistic Combinatorics

  • The research of the group focuses on interrelated aspects of combinatorics: Graph theory, Random Graphs, Probabilistic method, Geometric group theory and algebraic methods, Enumerative combinatorics, Combinatorial geometry, and Combinatorial number theory. Some recent research achievements are: Proof of the Maximum Distance Separable codes conjecture for prime fields; solution of a conjecture of Green on the removal lemma for systems of equations in finite fields.
  • GAPCOMB members, publications and projects

RIIS - Grup de Recerca en Recursos i Indústries Intel·ligents i Sostenibles

  • The research group revolves around the sustainable use of resources from a comprehensive and multidisciplinary perspective. It aims to respond to the challenge of optimal utilization of natural resources and urban, industrial and mining waste. This comprehensive solution requires different fields of action. Thus, the research to be developed deals with the utilization of mineral resources and urban, industrial and mining waste. The search for and treatment of resources is investigated, taking into account that these are limited and, therefore, their use must be maximized, while producing the minimum of final waste. This is in accordance with the current trends, promoted by the European Union, of Zero Waste and Circular Economy. The development of control systems, which entails the so-called intelligent industry, will be essential to achieve this goal.
  • RIIS members, publications and projects

CITES - Grup de Recerca en Ciència i Tecnologia de la Sostenibilitat

  • The main objective of the Research Group in Science and Technology of Sustainability (CITES) is the generation of the technical and conceptual tools necessary to help transform our society towards sustainability. The Group addresses the main challenges of the sustainable development of current eco-socio-economic systems, in sub-lines of research perfectly identifiable with the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) promoted by the United Nations, with holistic and transdisciplinary approaches.
  • CITES members, publications and projects

Research Centers participated by UPC Manresa faculty

Research centers and TECNIO centers

Research centers (CER) address demands from external public or private entities in specific research fields. They are internal structures of the University without legal personality in which research groups and external entities participate. CER's purpose is the achievement of research objectives that, because of its characteristics, would gain projection and solidity with its own structure and image. Some of the CER belong to the Network of Technological Innovation Support Centres (TECNIO), made up of public and private technological centres of recognised excellence.

CER are research nucleus consolidated with international recognition and guaranteed budgetary viability in the medium term. They require a specific management and a unique external projection.

Technological Innovation Support Centers (TECNIO centers) are entities that generate new technology and transfer it to companies, either through tailor-made RDI projects or through the direct application of developed technologies. The UPC currently has 15 TECNIO centers accredited by the Government of Catalonia. Catalonia's TECNIO centers are organized around TECNIO Association. Some Research Centers are also certified as TECNIO centers.

SSR-UPC - Smart Sustainable Resources

  • The research of the CER is aligned with the new paradigm of the utilization of natural resources in the context of the circular economy. To achieve these objectives, the researchers who make up the CER have advanced knowledge in different aspects such as the location and characterization of mineral deposits, the efficient use of these resources, the use of enabling technologies such as biotechnology for utilization of all types of resources (mineral, industrial and urban), and the application of advanced monitoring and data processing systems to guarantee an efficient, sustainable and intelligent use of natural resources.
  • SSR-UPC is a Research Center (CER) and holds the TECNIO certificate. TECNIO label
  • SSR-UPC members, publications and projects

CCABA - Centre de Comunicacions Avançades de Banda Ampla

CS2AC-UPC - Supervision, Safety and Automatic Control

  • The primary goal of CS2AC-UPC is to contribute to the competitiveness of our companies and scientific and technical knowledge by developing advanced control systems and design of optimal systems, fault-tolerant control of complex systems.
  • CS2AC-UPC is a Research Center (CER)
  • CS2AC-UPC members, publications and projects