Know UPC Manresa!
At UPC, schools are responsible for overseeing teaching activities and serve as the primary organizational units of the University. Research groups, which consist of registered faculty members collaborating on specific topics, play a central role in organizing research activities. Departments are tasked with managing faculty appointments and positions.
In the city of Manresa, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) hosts the Manresa Campus. This campus is home to the Manresa School of Engineering and the UPC Manresa Library. The Manresa School of Engineering offer a comprehensive range of Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Engineering. The faculty at the campus engage in significant research and development activities, contributing substantially to the economic well-being of the region.
About the name
The Manresa School of Engineering is formally named "Escola Politècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Manresa" (EPSEM) in Catalan. This designation is used in various formal documents and in the web URL. However, in English, we consistently refer to ourselves as the "Manresa School of Engineering," and in Catalan, we often use the name "UPC Manresa."
Manresa School of Engineering
The School was created the 1942 as a result of the local mining industry needs. Years after, it became one of the founding schools of UPC.
Currently, Manresa School of Engineering comprises approximately eighty teaching faculties, who instruct nearly one thousand students across various disciplines, including Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, and Chemical Engineering. Spanning an area of approximately 10,000 square meters, the School oversees a significant array of well-equipped teaching and research laboratory facilities. Additionally, akin to all UPC campuses, it is integrated into the overarching high-capacity computer network.
The School is esteemed as a pivotal contributor to both regional and national socio-economic advancement. This standing has culminated, over time, in the establishment and nurturing of a robust network of corporate affiliations with various enterprises. The School is recognized as a significant entity in bolstering companies, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises, which may lack the internal resources to innovate autonomously. Central to fostering collaborative relationships with the industrial sector is the School Advisory Board.
The research endeavors undertaken by the faculty of the School are conducted within research groups. While certain research groups concentrate on specialized topics, others adopt a more interdisciplinary approach. Participation within these groups varies, with some predominantly comprising faculty members from the School, while others involve faculty from diverse academic institutions, both within and beyond the university. Research groups exhibit a high degree of adaptability. Key annual metrics typically encompass approximately 50 published papers, around 50 presentations at conferences, approximately 6 doctoral theses, or roughly 60 competitively funded projects.