
Si m'he de traslladar a viure a Manresa, quines opcions tinc?

Student residences



Located 4 min. approx. walking from the universities and 15 min. approx. from the center. The area is very well equipped in terms of transport, shops and supermarkets. All the information and prices on their website.




Student housing


The Col·legi d'Enginyers Graduats i d'Enginyers Tècnics Industrials de la Catalunya Central (CETIM) has bought a flat on Pont de Vilomara road number 37 in Manresa to rent rooms for Engineering students in the industrial area of ​​the UPC Manresa, with preferential conditions.


Casa Homies offers accommodation in homes that include study rooms, common areas and fully equipped rooms. They include cleaning three days a week, change of sheets and towels once a week, as well as personalized attention. They also have coexistence rules to continue to have a healthy, orderly and clean environment among students.

Shared flats

  • There is the possibility of renting a flat, either shared with other students or not. On the EPSEM billboards you will find flat offers very frequently.


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