
MERIThON, the artificial intelligence (AI), cyber security and internet of things (IoT) hackathon

Apr 29, 2024

The Manresa School of Engineering held a hackathon on April 29 to celebrate the start of its new study program, the Master's in Machine Learning and Cybersecurity for Internet-connected Systems.

With the participation of 22 enthusiasts, the event marked a milestone in the school's commitment to innovation and collaboration with industry.

The participants, forming 5 teams, faced 25 challenges proposed by prominent Catalan and international companies, including names such as On-Laser, NUCLIA, ASOINDEL and F2R. Each team selected a different challenge, leading to a diversity of innovative approaches and solutions during the competition.

A prominent feature of the event was the active participation of representatives of key companies. Executives from On-Laser, ASOINDEL, F2R and DRIBIA were in attendance, giving attendees the valuable opportunity to interact and learn from industry experts. This direct collaboration between academia and business underscores the school's commitment to the practical application of knowledge and the preparation of its students for real-world challenges.

With the success of this inaugural initiative, the Manresa Polytechnic School of Engineering reaffirms its commitment to academic excellence and collaboration with industry, establishing the foundations for future collaborations and advances in the field of technology and cyber security.

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